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I've been trying to play it on various maps as well as Plutonia, and I've encountered crashes with GZDoom 4.11.3.

Really fantastic!

(2 edits) (+2)

Gave this a playthrough for about 2 hours, so far it's pretty dang neat. Feels hella well polished too, with the graphics and effects on enemies and weapons and such, and i love the little details like the new intermission, messages for 100%'ing things like items, etc. Fun to play too, good guns with very awesome animations, though I die a lot in this lol (Though I was playing on a generally harder mapset than doom 2), and I think sometimes the lesser enemies, like zombies, feel slightly bullet spongy. 

A few other notes I made while playing, playing with GZDoom 4.10.0:

- Menu text, unless highlighted, is really dark and fairly hard to read.

- I thought there was no pain sound at first, which throws me off, but found out there is a sound. I feel a lot of times I don't even notice I'm being hurt because the hurt sound is like too quiet or something isn't playing at all. I'm a little confused with how it works. Also not fond of the low health alarm sound so I rather not use that.

- When I run out of ammo for a gun, I frequently switch to the fists despite having ammo for other guns, like the shotguns, which is really annoying. On a similar note, I personally think rocket launcher should come before grenade launcher when pressing 5, but that's just me.

But yeah, overall I'm hella impressed with this.


Vidya. Didnt have much problems this time around while recording

Absolutely amazing mod. While the influences of Pandemonia and the like are noticeable, Cyberaugmented has a look, feel and sound all its own. The weapons feel great and I can't wait to see how the module system will further add to their punch. Monster variants are unique looking and equally unique in behavior. Their movements are something that I've personally never seen in a randomizer before. Quite surprising to see how some enemies keep their distance from you and smoothly sidestep attacks. This particularly looks good with the flying monsters. The enemy lunges and slam attacks are easily the best looking out there. Makes for some truly distinct feeling and engaging combat encounters all in all. Excellent work!


Beta tester here - incredible work so far my dude. Honestly can't wait to see where this mod goes


beta tester and spriter here    and say congrat on release!!  wish i can do more than bug report and spriteing(some monster idea was suggested by me)    hope everyone fun with it!


sick stuff, looking foward to how you improve on this